Functional Medicine Services In Montgomery, TX

Functional Medicine Services In Montgomery, TX
Functional Medicine Services | Rejuve Wellness & Aesthetics in The Woodlands & Montgomery TX
Functional Medicine Services In Montgomery, TX

At Rejuve Wellness & Aesthetics of The Woodlands, TX, our team takes a holistic approach to wellness. Our provider spends time learning every patient’s history and current lifestyle to identify the source of their symptoms. We believe that by getting to the root cause, addressing the issue and teaching lifestyle changes, we can help patients restore their optimal health and prevent illness. To learn more about functional medicine, please call the office or schedule an appointment online.


Weight Loss Specialist

Rejuve Wellness and Aesthetics in The Woodlands, Texas, has worked with many patients to help them reach their healthy weight goal and maintain it long term.

We understand that weight loss & maintenance can sometimes be an overwhelming and frustrating process, but it doesnt have to be with the right guidance and accountability. Rejuve Wellness and Aesthetics in The Woodlands, Texas, has worked with many patients to help them reach their healthy weight goal and maintain it long term. Our weight loss program is medically supervised beginning with a consultation to discuss medical history, current complaints, hormonal, and nutritional health, physical exam to determine appropriate treatment program. We also partner with professionals who can increase your success & have an on site private gym and certified personal trainer to personalize your exercise regimen. We will continue to offer support and motivation throughout your program.For more information please call our office or schedule an appointment online.

Food Allergy Testing

Research estimates that at least 60% of the U.S. suffers from unsuspected reactions to food that can cause health problems. Symptoms may range from joint pain to skin issues such as eczema and even migraines.The less common food sensitivities, such as an immediate reaction to peanuts or shellfish, are IgE-mediated responses.

The Biotek test offered at Rejuve Wellness and Medical Aesthetics of The Woodlands TX identifies IgG antibodies that are associated with non-atopic or “delayed” food reactions that can worsen or contribute to many different health problems.

These reactions are more difficult to notice since they can occur hours or even days after consumption of an offending food. These “hidden” food allergies are caused by increasing IgG antibody blood levels in reaction to specific foods.Often the offenders have frequently eaten foods that are hard to avoid, such as milk, corn, and wheat. Simultaneous high levels of many IgG food-specific antibodies are generally related to hyperpermeability of the intestines.
Food allergies or sensitivities can contribute to a variety of disorders, including:
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation, Bloating &/or Diarrhea
  • Migraines
  • Skin issues
  • Joint pain & arthritis
  • Sinus issues
  • Ear infections

Gastrointestinal Testing

Research has shown that gut health greatly impacts our overall health. The gut microbiome, in particular, plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors on health, including digestive, immune, metabolic and neuro-endocrine functions. Assessing gastrointestinal health with the proper tools can help practitioners get to the root cause of chronic illness.The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is a comprehensive stool test done in the convenience and comfort of your own home. The test can detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.

Neurotrasmitter Testing

We offer extensive neurotransmitter testing at Rejuve Wellness & Medical Aesthetics The Woodlands. This is a simple urine test that can be done right from your own home to determine the levels of 6 of the major neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid), dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, glutamate, and ratios. These neurotransmitters are the most researched in relation to their effects on mood disorders, hormones, sleep, glucose/insulin balance, pain perception, appetite, and cognitive function. The test is also useful in cases of anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autism, headaches/migraines, chronic fatigue, and the autism spectrum.

Vitamin & Mineral Testing

In an effort to maintain optimal health and prevent disease, we offer an in-depth analysis of your vitamin and nutrient status. A simple blood test can determine the functional status of the nutrients in your body which standard testing does not identify. The Spectra Cell test that we offer reveals your nutrient status that is reflective over a period of several months versus a few days. It also identifies which vitamins you need and to what extent. Our providers will then help you choose the best supplements to meet your nutritional deficiencies.
The Spectracell tests levels of:
  • Vitamins – Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Biotin Folate, Pantothenate, Vitamin C, D, K
  • Minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper
  • Amino Acids – Asparagine, Glutamine, Serine
  • Fatty Acid – Oleic acid
  • Antioxidants – Alpha Lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q 10, Cysteine, Glutathione, Selenium, Vitamin E
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism – Chromium, Fructose Sensitivity, Glucose – Insulin metabolism
  • Metabolites – Choline, Inositol, Carnitine
  • Spectrox – Total Antioxidant Function
  • Immunidex – Immune Response Score

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing began with different specialized tests to determine your risk of developing a particular disease. The test has now expanded into many areas, including providing information about the nutrients your genes need for optimal functioning, maintaining a healthy weight, slowing the aging process, and achieving optimal performance.The team at Rejuve Wellness & Medical Aesthetics can provide you with a Gx Direction kit that contains a simple swab that will be sent back directly to the lab for analysis and evaluation. In approximately 3 weeks, results will be emailed to the provider with a detailed report and complete diet and lifestyle recommendations.
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