Tixel® Skin Resurfacing in Montgomery TX
If you’re seeking a treatment that delivers exceptional results for various skin conditions, look no further than Tixel® skin resurfacing at Rejuvé Wellness and Aesthetics. Tixel® skin resurfacing uses thermo-mechanical ablation technology (TMA) to improve skin tone and texture, resulting in a more youthful and radiant appearance. This treatment provides comparable results to deep skin peels and intensive laser treatments but with less downtime, minimal discomfort, and faster recovery times.
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Uneven skin texture and tone
- Sun damage
- Age spots and hyperpigmentation
- Acne scars
- Large pores
- Dull or lackluster skin
- Skin laxity and sagging
- Stretch marks
- Rough, thickened skin
Tixel® Skin tightening for Body & Treatment for Stretch Marks
Tixel® utilizes Thermo-Mechanical Ablation (TMA) technology. This means it usesheat to create collagen production to enhance the appearance of the skin. It has both ablative (removing the top layer of the skin) and non-ablative modes.
It can be used to resurface the skin, reducing scarring and for the same cosmeticreasons as laser treatments such as CO2 or non-ablative erbium lasers. In itsablative mode Tixel® creates deep or shallow micro-channels of ‘controlleddamage’ to the skin which stimulates a healing process that boosts collagenproduction and aids in rejuvenation.
Its non-ablative mode, which heats within the upper dermis of the skin whilst protecting the outer layer, creates permeable‘open’ channels which can be used to assist in the transfer of topical serums andagents into the skin.
The heated Tixel® pyramid head evaporates the water andexcess tissue from the top layers of skin instantly, so there is an immediate skintightening result as well as the longer term collagen.
Tixel® Skin Tightening & Resurfacing (W/Exosomes)
Price Varies
- Fast, convenient, and highly effective
- Minimal pain and discomfort during and after the treatment
- Little to no downtime
- Safe for use on various body parts, including the face, neck, chest, and the back of the hands
- Safe to use around the eye area, as it does not involve any lasers or lights
- Suitable for all skin types
- Customizable settings allow for tailored treatments based on individual needs
- Results include improved skin texture and reduced pore size, leading to a more youthful and radiant appearance.